Eklektek is a writing repository relevant for both the diversity of the intended subjects and themes, and the philosophical aspect of thought independent of belonging. Ek is abbr for kenetic Energy; Energy stored in motion. The term lek is a type of animal mating behavior that creates a paradox within Darwinian theory... a contradiction within the "Fisherian Runaway" hypothesis explaining, among other things, the extra-ornate plumages of birds. The etymology of lek in this context is from a Swedish noun denoting pleasurable, less rule-bound games and activities, something akin to 'play'. In other fun: Logic. The smallest logic satisfying all conditions is K. Iff you enjoy weird mixed metaphors and non-sequitur then you are in the right place. Lastly, the letter K is thought to have originated from a hieroglyph of a hand, which must be found apropos to the art of writing.

Friday, January 22, 2021

Be Kind To Ourselves

Karma. It means something a bit different to me than the popular idea of action/reaction throughout a person's life/lives.

Our soul is energy and our energy, our essence is returned to the universe when we die; the alternative is that it completely ceases to exist. I believe in the laws of thermodynamics and so I do not believe our energy ceases to exist, it must once again be something and something synergistic.

Time is not linear, it has multiple dimensions. Space and time and spacetime is infinite... in all directions, in all dimensions. So our soul, our energy, returns in some form, in every possible combination, at every possible time. 

If we believe these first two premises, then we believe our soul will be (or will inhabit) another body in the future, but then also it must in the past, and in every other possible point of space/time along every possible timeline, ever... even at this exact moment.

Finally, if we believe the first two premises and the conclusion of those premises... then; your soul, your being, will be, at this exact time and place, also be my being. We, you reading and I writing, are the same person, made of the same energy (The same particles even; Copenhagen < Many Worlds) separated merely by time or space. Every single person you meet, every single life you interact with, are in some form, in some way, you. 

Karma is not just something that will happen. It is something that has happened, will happen, will have happened, and is happening right... exactly... now... at this moment. 

For every harm we do to another, it is truly being done to ourselves. And for every kindness, it is a direct kindness to ourselves. For every life we save is our own. 

Be kind to ourselves.

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