So, goodbye 'Purple Door', goodbye small mountain town, goodbye mom, goodbye... yep, thats all I'm leaving behind.

When I get down there I will need to find a 2Bed. apt. near the airport and SDSU for around $900 (Hillcrest and North Park seem good bets). Anyone reading this know of anything? I should be down there by friday for my brothers birthday. He will be 22? 23? Anyway, he is going to TJ and I wouldn't mind celebrating all my troubles away...

The last snowy mountain we pass on our journey to SD (Mt. Shasta) SDPD I'm there Dude. Things are going good. Got the apartment. Got the job. Didn't go to TJ but did go to LA. Lots to do... What the F*@! is SDPD?!? It was an acronym for San Diego...P...D... Its really pissing me off that I can't remember my own stupid-ass acronyms... Figure it out for me will ya. Thanks. NOT A DIARY I told myself that this blog thing wouldn't turn into a diary, so I am summarizing everything going on in my life and then thats it... on to other things... The guy with the bad memory is living with me and so is my brother. And much to my daily delight they argue like a couple of old bag ladies fighting over a shopping cart. My other brother is deployed in Abu-Dhabi and seems to be enjoying himself (apart from the fact that he must ask permission to speak to native women). My mother decided that the guy with the memory problem was getting too much attention from the rest of the family so she t-boned a poor unsuspecting drunk-driver.

Just joking, it had nothing to do with getting attention, she's just a bad driver (don't tell her I said that)... Anyway, I work for the airport... I would tell you what agency, but if I did, then I'd have to kill you. All I can say about my job is- YES, the change in your pocket is made of metal and will set off the metal detector; PLEASE, learn to deal with momentary baggage seperation anxiety; DO NOT put your pets in the X-ray machine; and last but not least... Its just a job, give me a friggin break already. My brother is working for Target which, dispite its claims, is indeed, a fairly crappy company (Just look at the enjoyment on his face). I am getting my motorcycle license, but I need to take some 'training' so that I don't have to do the riding skills test at the DMV (My bike isn't road legal & the DMV skills test is near impossible to pass). G-man falls through a door... I helped a little bit.
Lets see. NOT A DIARY is turning into A DIARY... Door is still broken after 2 and a 1/2 weeks (check out businesses I hate, SOS post), I am working full time, My mother bought a biodiesel car to replace her biohazard car, My father is doing well, I got accepted to SDSU, My brothers arm is healed and we went to TJ on V-day to celebrate, My other brother is out-of-contact because his email isn't working (or maybe mine is the problem)... And I will be leaving for sweet home Seattle to visit for a week... 10-4 Over and Out! Back from Seattle, well well well... Whats new in my life you might ask. Plenty; where to start? I have learned how to bodyboard (surfing is a bit tougher and boards are effin expensive) and I have learned how to pay off TJ cops and also, that the fabled 'donkey show' is a myth... or is it??? Sadly, I have unlearned snowboarding, rock-climbing, and how to use umbrellas... I miss the drizzle. I have noticed that a good cup of coffee in a warm cafe is that much better when the weather is cold and rainy. I didn't have a vehicle for the first 6 months I lived in SD and just rode my bike back and forth to work and the grocery store and what-not. I estimate that I rode at least 1500 miles during those first 6 months. I almost had decent looking legs. But, more recently I have been under considerable stress and have lost weight (only a few pounds, but I'm too skinny to be losing any at all, so now I'm back at square one). Hmmm, lets see, oh-yeah, I have been convicted of resisting arrest and running from the police... on my bicycle! California cops are crazy! I ended up with a $600 fine and get to do five days community service next week. Apparently a police car was trying to pull me over, and apparently I knew and didn't pull over. I only figured it out later when they called out the ghetto-bird to catch me!!! Hmmm, yeah, whatever... I'm innocent! I swear! So, anyway, now I am attending SDSU and am trying to adjust to school life again. I own a sweet mother-f*cking motorcycle (that I rode down along the coast from Seattle) and now I don't know how I ever managed with only a bicycle. Wow, a whole year in a paragraph. Not a gramatically correct paragraph, but still... a friggin' year.
22. he will be 22.
yep. see you soooooooonnnnnnnnnnn.
reminder to all potential T-bone-ees:
son #2 named his rifle after me.
I don't take prisoners, so stay out of my way.
reminder to YOU:
bloggers can get fired for mentioning their workplaces. zip it up.
Love, Mom
P.S. Love the bag ladies part....hahahahahahahhahaha
UH! FIRED! NOoooooooooooooo!!!
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