Eklektek is a writing repository relevant for both the diversity of the intended subjects and themes, and the philosophical aspect of thought independent of belonging. Ek is abbr for kenetic Energy; Energy stored in motion. The term lek is a type of animal mating behavior that creates a paradox within Darwinian theory... a contradiction within the "Fisherian Runaway" hypothesis explaining, among other things, the extra-ornate plumages of birds. The etymology of lek in this context is from a Swedish noun denoting pleasurable, less rule-bound games and activities, something akin to 'play'. In other fun: Logic. The smallest logic satisfying all conditions is K. Iff you enjoy weird mixed metaphors and non-sequitur then you are in the right place. Lastly, the letter K is thought to have originated from a hieroglyph of a hand, which must be found apropos to the art of writing.

Wednesday, October 05, 2022

Dramatic Dog

I lay on the floor, curled up and asleep
Tap-thump Tap-thump, Footsteps-feet
I jump up, wag, run a circle; three or four
Tap-thump, tap-ump, you go right past!
tap-ump, click-clack, you are out the door!!
I stand, waiting, wondering... you swore!

You swore you would take me with you
You swore I could put my head out the window
You swore I was the best in the world.
You could have at least left me in the yard

You left me to stare at the lonely floor
you left me alone in the empty house
left me to pace from kitchen to front door

Why. why did you do this?!
You knew I had no way of knowing
Where you were going
Or when you would reappear

And now you are gone, forever probably.
I just know it.
I give up pacing, but in exchange
I will lay on the sofa, I shouldn't, I really shouldn't
But you are not here to scold me

All I hear is the clock tick tock
I am too depressed to move
I lift my head, or just an eyebrow, when a car passes by
I don't care anymore, you must be gone forever.

You left me to die alone
To starve to death most probably...
Did you go far, or someplace far more near?
Where did you go and what did you leave for?

Crinch-crunch, oh I know that sound
gravel on the walkway, could it be?
It sounds like you, the steps, the screen door
YES! Yes! Yes! Yes!
Ohhhhh, That smell!
Oh oh, now I know what you left for
You went to the store, and I'm quite sure
For... for something for me?!

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