Eklektek is a writing repository relevant for both the diversity of the intended subjects and themes, and the philosophical aspect of thought independent of belonging. Ek is abbr for kenetic Energy; Energy stored in motion. The term lek is a type of animal mating behavior that creates a paradox within Darwinian theory... a contradiction within the "Fisherian Runaway" hypothesis explaining, among other things, the extra-ornate plumages of birds. The etymology of lek in this context is from a Swedish noun denoting pleasurable, less rule-bound games and activities, something akin to 'play'. In other fun: Logic. The smallest logic satisfying all conditions is K. Iff you enjoy weird mixed metaphors and non-sequitur then you are in the right place. Lastly, the letter K is thought to have originated from a hieroglyph of a hand, which must be found apropos to the art of writing.

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Does Menthol Make Me Less of a Man?

A group of snowboarders were having lunch and causing trouble when a hot, snobby, rich girl walked up and asked if she could have a cigarette. Someone replied, "Can I have your number?"

The conversation carried on for a while until the snowboarder gave her a cig. It was a menthol. The group continued to proposition the girl with offers of beautiful hotel rooms and gallons of alcohol; but she refused and almost seemed offended. 

As if to insult the group she stated over-loudly, "menthol cigarettes lower testorone levels" and then claimed to be a biology major at a nearby university. One snowboarder called her bluff and asked which gland was responsible for producing testosterone. 

She didn't reply and huffed off, never to be seen by the snowboarders again. But a seed of doubt had been planted and they could no-longer continue smoking menthols without learning the truth. After a long and tenacious search consisting of questioning a multitude of authorities in the field of smoking (10minutes of talking to other smokers), they were unable to come to a satisfactory conclusion. Does anyone know the truth? If you really are a biology major (or doctor) please leave a comment. 

And it's the pituitary gland right? Or, the medulla oblongata? Damn it I was sure it was pituitary, but a scene from 'water boy' makes me think different... 'all those teeth and no tooth brush'.


Anonymous said...



Eklektek said...

Although it is interesting to learn that 3 out of 4 blacks smoke menthol cigarettes I am still worried about my testorone...
But thanks anyhow.