Eklektek is a writing repository relevant for both the diversity of the intended subjects and themes, and the philosophical aspect of thought independent of belonging. Ek is abbr for kenetic Energy; Energy stored in motion. The term lek is a type of animal mating behavior that creates a paradox within Darwinian theory... a contradiction within the "Fisherian Runaway" hypothesis explaining, among other things, the extra-ornate plumages of birds. The etymology of lek in this context is from a Swedish noun denoting pleasurable, less rule-bound games and activities, something akin to 'play'. In other fun: Logic. The smallest logic satisfying all conditions is K. Iff you enjoy weird mixed metaphors and non-sequitur then you are in the right place. Lastly, the letter K is thought to have originated from a hieroglyph of a hand, which must be found apropos to the art of writing.

Monday, December 28, 2020

Tending the Bar.

When I first met jay she had just finished her bartending career and had moved on to deeper and bluer things as a dive instructor. We had been talking about exploring the world together and I thought bartending might be the perfect occupation for me while she was below the waves. She was hesitant, explaining the reality of bartending to me; the energy needed, the dramatic situations created, the overall difficulty of working as drug dealer (albeit, of the legal and socially acceptable type). 

I, however, thought bartending, with its flexibility of schedule, numerous locations, and other perks would be a great way to make money while travelling around the world... so, I exaggerated my bartending experience into a job, much as WMD's exaggerated the US into the golf war... and once I was there I realized how much I didn't know; which was everything. Here is what I have learned since:


First things first. Place a napkin in front of customers that you will be serving. Then determine the order details; If Margarita ask about salted rim, if Martini specify type. Select appropriate glassware; then figure your ice. For the Rocks glass, just fill up with rocks and add the alcohol (then mixer). For Martini and Manhattan (Coupe glass) fill with ice to chill but dump out before pour. For Highball/Pint/Collins build in glass then transfer to shaker, while shaking refill glass with fresh ice and strain from shaker.

Add carbonation mixes after shaking.
Add garnishes.

Types and prep

Triple Sec
Brandy & Cognac
(explain each and give a couple examples of most common drinks)

To master anything you must master the basics.
Always specify alcohol - If Vodka specify Shaken (Gin is not shaken) or Stirred.

Old Fashion'd: Bourbon and Bitters

Manhattan: Whiskey, Sweet Vermouth, and Bitters

Negroni: Gin, Sweet Vermouth, and Campari

Mai Tai: Light Rum, Triple Sec, Orgeat, Lime. Shake and Float Dark Rum

Margarita: Tequila, Triple Sec, Lime & Simple Syrup, Splash Orange or Agave Syrup and/or Soda

Bonus: Rusty Nail: 2-1 Scotch w/Drambuie

Cosmo: A Kamakazi w/Splash of Cran. A Kamakazi is Vodka, Trip, and Lime.



The proper way to make each of these classics;

What about mobile bartending? Outta a van and/or trailer? Roadsoda.bar

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