Eklektek is a writing repository relevant for both the diversity of the intended subjects and themes, and the philosophical aspect of thought independent of belonging. Ek is abbr for kenetic Energy; Energy stored in motion. The term lek is a type of animal mating behavior that creates a paradox within Darwinian theory... a contradiction within the "Fisherian Runaway" hypothesis explaining, among other things, the extra-ornate plumages of birds. The etymology of lek in this context is from a Swedish noun denoting pleasurable, less rule-bound games and activities, something akin to 'play'. In other fun: Logic. The smallest logic satisfying all conditions is K. Iff you enjoy weird mixed metaphors and non-sequitur then you are in the right place. Lastly, the letter K is thought to have originated from a hieroglyph of a hand, which must be found apropos to the art of writing.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Hello NSA

Pondered questions regarding governmental spying (and other things).

What if the government accidentally came across you or someone you know, not a terrorist, who is breaking the law?
Is the agent/agency obligated to report it?
Does the agent/agency choose which crimes can be reported and which can be overlooked? (We obviously can’t prosecute every crime that comes to the attention of our government; http://www.schatzanderson.com/information-and-resources/20-common-felony-crimes-u-s/)


So, if certain crimes are discovered but overlooked, can they be used later as threat/blackmail to perhaps inform or become an agent provocateur of a friend/acquaintance?
If you think that would be immoral, what if said blackmail is being used, McCarthyism style, in order to protect us from terrorists?

To those who believe tracking viewing history can only be used for 'good', lemme ask this; what is the most perverse adult video or image you have ever viewed online? Be honest...
Or not... because at this point the NSA will have the power to merely accuse you of some great perversion and since we all know the NSA is tracking our use, who will believe otherwise? The damage here is greater than just a collection of data/information, it is the acceptance that the information being used to influence/discredit is authentic and unadulterated... and, even more unbelievably, some of us believe the information is being used with altruistic, albeit chauvinistic, intent.

AND NOW FOR SOMETHING COMPLETELY DIFFERENT: Questions pondered regarding environment (holistic use of the word).

Is climate change a necessary (manufactured) step toward homo-sapiens natural progression/evolution toward a space-faring species?
(A way of equalizing the harsh/severe environment beyond our atmosphere to the gentle, temperate one within, and therefore allowing us to develop traits conducive to our survival in space)
Would we be better off remaining terrestrials?
Could the immediate colonization of Mars, or the moon, begin a divergent evolution, saving the terrestrials, while still allowing “us” to boldly go where none has gone before?

Perhaps we will not survive this evolutionary test. It seems that we (humans) challenge ourselves evolutionarily speaking. I'm not saying the difficulties we create are intentionally designed to progress ourselves in any predetermined adjustments, but we are increasing the rate of change to, and within, our species. The problem to ponder is; are the changes allowing us to survive better within the natural universe, or only within our own constructed obstacle course?

What is Occupy Wall Street?

Occupy is more difficult to define than terrorism. It is many different things to many different people. What it means to me; Take responsibility for your actions (including inaction) and your beliefs.
Through action, belief manifests reality.

“Controlled or not controlled?
The same die shows two faces.
Not controlled or controlled,
Both are grievous error.”

Will the NSA side with Wall Street? What is National Security? Who and what should the NSA be securing? "... unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among men..."

Speaking of rights... what about Covid?

I needn't say much about that. Not yet.

What about Truth? 

These last few years have led me to wonder if the power of the NSA isn't less a danger than the power of popular opinion. Perhaps it is being controlled through propaganda, perhaps it is running wild in chaos which seems more likely, and the words of the those in power are lies, but no longer lies glossed with truth. "The very concept of objective truth is fading out of the world. Lies will pass into history."

I only ponder these questions because these words (and all the associations that go with them) currently define my “life and times”; terrorism, environment, occupy, covid... and truth.

1 comment:

accommodation byron bay said...

Very good job with the post.
Thanks for sharing.